Construye tu

Carrera Sabiamente

Inicia el proceso con VDC Academy!


Comienza tu carrera de la manera corecta! Poniendo a Dios Primero en todo y dando tu mejor!

VDC Academy comenzo en el 2016 entrenando a sus estudiantes para que ellos puedan salir adelante con sus carreras. Somos una academia autorizada por Autodesk para dar entrenamiento y certificaciones en Revit, Navisworks, AutoCAD MEP y BIM Coordinacion.

Preparamos y te equipamos con las herramientas correctas para entrar a tu carrera digital en Construccion.

Nuestro Fundador, Salomon Paredes tiene mas de 15 anos de experencia en la area y es uno de los instructores!

Cursos Introductorios

Programa Extensivo

Programa Extensivo

Nuestro Programa Extensivo te prepara para la carrera "BIM Coordinator" con especialidad en "Construccion Electrica" el cual en 6 meses te puedes meter a una carrera ganando $50,000 a $80,000 para iniciar!

  • Te entrenamos y Proveemos la computadora!
  • Te damos 3 Certificados de Autodesk con un valor de $3,000 cada uno!
  • Te Preparamos para tu Entrevista!
  • Te Ubicamos en una empresa electrica para iniciar a trabajar
Mas Informacion

Customer Quotes


  “This product brings efficiency to a new level of simplicity. I have never found a product that is so easy to use.” 


Diego Barco

When I started with VDC Academy I was working on a Chipotle. I am thankful for what I was able to learn and benefit from it because after 6 months I got a corporate job and have been able to grow in the corporate world.

Ufredo Barahona

I was working at Safe Way and couldn’t seem to find a job that worked for me. At VDC I was able to learn computer drawing which I now practice in my day-to-day work.

James Medinaceli

“This is the best company I have ever worked with. I am recommending to all my friends and colleagues.” 

Jafet Guittierez

“I have tried other products fine, but this one is certainly the best. It brings everything I do to a new level of quality.” 

Peter Berkheij

“This is the best company I have ever worked with. I am recommending to all my friends and colleagues.” 

Tony Fernandez
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